How to claim a profile claimed by other user?

Seems that the profile of my business is claimed but not by me. How to act?

Sometimes you may find that you have profiles that appear marked as claimed, but you have no access to that profile. This is possible as other users may have previously claimed those profiles. You may filter in Localistico the profiles that have been claimed by third parties: 
The yellow badge indicates you that the profile has been claimed by some other user.
First, try to check if there is some other account in your business that you may have forgotten about that has access to the claimed profiles. Maybe an agency used to manage your account? Or perhaps some other employee or franchisee decided to claim their own location? If this is the case, you don't need to claim the location again, you can request the credential from your colleague and add it to Localistico. If you need help with adding the credentials, please refer to the related article.
However, if it seems like you don't have a credential to manage the profile, or if you just want to re-claim under your own credentials, check the instructions for the platform in question: