How to claim unclaimed profiles on Localistico and TripAdvisor?
Profiles are an online representation of each of your physical locations. They provide your customers with information about the location, opening hours, and available products/services. By claiming profiles, you are taking control of your company's online information. Claiming the profiles allows you to update the information (including the address and phone number) and prevents incorrect data from being circulated. By claiming profiles, you will also be able to manage reviews and have access to valuable analytics.
How to claim unclaimed TripAdvisor profiles on Localistico?
Localistico claims every month all unclaimed TripAdvisor profiles that have been discovered and linked with some venue if the business has valid credentials added. If you are in a hurry, you can claim the profiles on TripAdvisor by following the instructions in the next chapter.
How to claim unclaimed profiles on TripAdvisor?
If you already have your TripAdvisor account created, we recommend claiming the profiles that already exist. In order to do that, please follow these steps:
Go to Localistico and navigate to the Profiles tab, filter TripAdvisor profiles.
Open each TripAdvisor profile page by clicking on the anchor icon.
On the page, click on Is this your business?

Enter your credentials.

Complete the data and click on Continue.

TripAdvisor will ask you to verify that you are the owner. You can do it by introducing your Credit Card details, or asking them to call directly to the location that you want to claim to be sure that you are the real owner.
Wait until you get confirmation from TripAdvisor and then... the profile is yours!
For more information, refer to the TripAdvisor Help Center.