Encourage your customers to leave reviews

Add review widgets to your emails or messages you send out after the client has visited your location.

Reviews are one of the strongest factor to gaining better visibility on Google. Make leaving a review easy for your customers and encourage them to leave one after their visit by providing them a direct link to the profile's review section. 

This can be done easily with the review widget. A review widget is a URL that can be included in any email or message that you send out to your customers after the visit. The URL opens up the review formula when the customer clicks it. This URL can be downloaded from Localistico. 

To get the link, please navigate to the presence tab and filter the linked Google profiles that have been claimed with your credentials and export them: 

The URL can be found from a column called "reviews_widget_url":

When the customer clicks on the URL, they will be able to leave their review easily: