How to compare metrics and insights in Localistico?

Introduction on comparing metrics from two different periods.

The metrics page can be found under Analytics tab on Localistico. On this page you can see, for example, how many views your location has received or how many times someone requested the directions to your business.

Metrics are currently available for Google, Facebook, Apple, Instagram and Store Pages profiles. Select one of the platforms, or all of them, to see the relevant metrics and adjust the period to fit your needs. Please note that some metrics are available only for one of the platforms. This information is indicated under the data.

How to compare the metrics?

Compare two different periods together and see the evolution of the impressions, searches and customer actions your profiles have received. In order to compare data of two periods, please:

1. Click on the filter by date

2. Select the period

3. Click on compare

4. Adjust the second period so that you are comparing two similar periods. It's always recommended comparing two periods from the same dates to obtain the correct data. If you compared Q12020 with Q2 2020 you may notice some changes that are related with the season, not with the actual improvements on the location data and your marketing actions. Once the periods have been adjusted, click on Apply filter.

5. Localistico calculates the evolution of the data in percentage. By clicking on each of the metrics boxes you can obtain graphics that display the moments when your profiles were receiving more impressions, searches or customer actions. This helps you to identify the marketing efforts that worked and make more data driven decisions. 

The data can be downloaded in Excel or CSV by clicking on the orange button with the arrow in the upper right corner. 


Please note that Google metrics will be fully available within every last 7 days. For example, as of 23 May, you should have metrics until 17th of May.