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Overview of the review export columns

In this article, there is an explanation of the different columns of the review export file.

Reviews can be exported to a CSV or Excel file from the reputation tab or as a data feed from the advanced settings:

Please note that the reviews export data always refers to the latest version of the review. For example, if the review author edits the review, the export data refers to the edited version. 

The exported file contains the following columns:

Column name Definition
localistico_business_name Review related business name
location_code Review related location code
profile_name Review related profile name
profile_full_address Review related profile full address
profile_service Platform name (Google, Facebook, etc...)
author Review author's name
profile_lat Review related profile latitude
profile_lng Review related profile longitude
rating Review's current rating
max_rating Review's lifetime maximum rating obtained
sentiment Review's sentiment (good, neutral, bad)
created_at Indicates when the review was created in Localistico
published_at Indicates when the review was published on the platform (E.g. Google)
platform_updated_at Indicates when the review was last updated on the platform (the indicated time will be the same date as published_at when the review has not been edited).
text Text written by the author in the review
photos Link to photos included in the review
profile_url Review's profile URL
has_owner_reply Indicates if the review has been replied by the profile's owner
owner_reply_text Text written by the owner as reply in the review (this field will be empty if it hasn't been replied yet)
owner_reply_date Date of the last reply by the owner (this field will be empty if the owner hasn't replied yet)

Indicates who exactly added the last reply: 

User's email: if the review was replied manually from Localistico

Author's name: if the review was replied on the platform (this data may not be available, as the platform does not always include this information, i.e. Google)

profile_id Localistico's internal profile Id
platform_review_id Platform's internal review Id
localistico_location_id Localistico's internal location Id
localistico_business_id Localistico's internal business Id
localistico_interaction_id Localistico's internal review Id
location_closed Indicates whether the location associated with the review is open or permanently closed
location_temporarily_closed Indicates if the location associated with the review is temporarily closed (in this case, location_closed will be false)
platform_reviews Number of reviews associated with the location
platform_average_rating Average rating from all reviews associated with the location
tags Tags associated to the review
last_extracted_at The last time the review information was extracted from the platform
edited_review_reply Indicates if the last review update has already been checked and replied
platform_updated Indicates if the original review has been updated by the author on the platform
last_reply_by Indicates whether the last reply is a manual or automatic response (this information is related to the field owner_reply_last_updated_by)