How do I know if the profile is claimed and under my credentials?

This article explains the meaning of the claimed and account connected -icons.

Localistico differentiates the profile that is claimed, unclaimed and claimed by someone else. This article explains how to find that information from Localistico. 

Claimed icon is a badge a which has 4 different colours. Each of them has a different meaning.

Yellow: Profile is claimed by another user. Action to take: request access to this profile.

Blue: Profile is claimed by you the blue icon with a person indicates that the profile is connected to your account. Action to take: publish. 

Light Yellow: You have requested access to this profile. Action to take: wait that the badge changes to blue. If it changes back to yellow, claim again. 

Grey: Profile is not claimed by anyone. Action to take: claim the profile. (Note, it is not necessary to claim Yelp profiles.)

If you are not sure how to claim profiles, please refer to the related article.