How to use action links?

Platforms allow adding links to book an appointment, make a reservation, order food, etc. Learn how to set them up!

Action links enable businesses to showcase specific URLs on their online profiles, allowing customers to easily take actions such as scheduling appointments, making reservations, or ordering food. These links are currently compatible with platforms including Google, TomTom, Localistico Store Pages, and Apple Business Connect.

How to add action links to Localistico?

1. Navigate to the Venues tab and open the venue you want to edit:

2. Scroll down to the action links -section and click on edit:

3. Add the valid action links for your business and click on save:

If all your stores have action links, you may also add the link in bulk by:

1. Exporting the location data into Excel from Localistico

2. Adding the appointment URL in the column appointment_url

3. Uploading the file back to Localistico

After adding the appointment URL, don't forget to publish!


Please be aware that the availability of action links can vary based on your primary business category. For instance, the menu link is exclusively available for businesses categorized as restaurants or cafés.

Also, if you add multiple action links, Apple Business Connect only will take the first one from the list.